
AI Task Assistant

ZenPacer is an AI-powered assistant that helps you focus on the right tasks at the right time, while keeping track of your deadlines and your ultimate short- and long-term goals.

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When something comes up ...

Simply create a task

Every time something comes up, you simply add a task to ZenPacer. By adding information such as projects, deadlines and more you enable ZenPacer to automatically schedule the tasks for you.

Length and Deadline
The primary information for the AI are your deadline and an estimated length of a task. If you need longer for the task, ZenPacer automatically adjusts the schedule.
Blocked tasks
Tasks can depend on each other. ZenPacer follows a straightforward approach by executing tasks sequentially, respecting any dependencies between them.
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Everytime you complete a task or something changes

ZenPacer automatically plans what to work on at what time

Begin by informing ZenPacer about your typical work hours and syncing your calendar with it. ZenPacer will then assist by allocating specific times in your calendar for your tasks. This ensures that you're consistently working on the right things at the right times.

Calendar Integration
Your calendar is connected so ZenPacer is able to schedule tasks around your appointments
Smart warnings
If ZenPacer is not able to schedule your tasks, you will receive a warning to take action
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Question: "Until when can this task be done?"

Know when something will be completed

Once you add projects to ZenPacer you have an elegant list that shows you when your tasks will be completed based on the autoschedule.
An additional powerful search lets you find your tasks within a blink of an eye and directly gives information on the progress of the task.

Powerful Search
ZenPacer's quicksearch is powerful and allows you to find your tasks within seconds. You directly see when the task will be completed
Each project can be given its own color and settings to influence the scheduling behavior such as timeslots when a project should be scheduled
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Simple pricing

Get started with ZenPacer



The perfect plan to get started to use basic AI powered scheduling.

  • 1 Connected Calendar
  • 4 Projects
  • 2 Routines
Get started today



Everything you need including AI powered task scheduling without limits.

  • Unlimited Connected Calendars
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Routines
Get started today